Afraid to Commit: Episode 773

Published: Nov. 24, 2022, 10 a.m.


Overcoming the fear of commitment, plus tips for being a better communicator, and is asking a guy out for coffee too forward?

Featured musical artist:\\xa0 David Dunn\\xa0

Roundtable: Overcoming the Fear of Commitment

Should I take that job? Can I serve in this ministry? Is it time to pop the question? It\\u2019s good to ask such questions, but they can also spark a reluctance to commit. Deciding to commit to something or someone can be an intimidating thing, but if you don\\u2019t want to sit on the sidelines of life, at some point you have to make a decision. Our guests share examples of how they\\u2019ve struggled with commitment and suggest ways to use discernment when making a choice.

Culture: Improving Your Conversations

For any healthy relationship, communication is key \\u2014 and Dr. Mike Bechtle has worked for years to help us do it well. In our interview, he\\u2019ll address ways to handle conflict, how to ask good questions, and how to \\u201cgain more weight\\u201d in what you say.

Inbox: Should I Ask Him Out?\\xa0\\xa0

She attends a megachurch but finds it tough to have conversations with single guys since they\\u2019re involved in different activities. Should she take matters into her own hands and ask one or more out for coffee? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
