132. A Full Breakdown of My First 7 Figure Month in Business with Rachel Rodgers

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 3 p.m.

b'Only 2% of women entrepreneurs hit 7 figures. Rachel Rodgers is on a mission to change that. In today\\u2019s episode, Natalie and Rachel discuss why making 6 figures realistically can\\u2019t sustain a business and a salary if you\\u2019re trying to scale, and how you can scale to 7.\\xa0\\nRachel breaks down how she started her business after law school, scaled to 7 figures, and even recently made her first million-dollar month. We talk all things hiring, including what roles to hire first and how it will help your business grow. Her tip: hiring ahead and betting on yourself ahead. You\\u2019ll see that growth faster and then be ready when it comes. As entrepreneurs, it\\u2019s not just about getting help, it\\u2019s about clearing your plate so you\\u2019re able to focus on your mental health and perform as a better leader for yourself, your team, and your business.\\nWe also share our opinions on membership options (love them!), why one offering instead of multiple will be better for you in the long run, and, most importantly, listening to your clients so you know when to pivot and what to improve to serve your customers better! Rachel pivoted her business this year after the pandemic and went from 0 to 1300 members in 30 days! It\\u2019s all about flexibility and giving yourself space to grow.\\nLearn more about Rachel and how to hit that 7 figure mark at hello7.co and subscribe to her podcast, The Hello 7 Podcast.'