Ep.140: Your Child's Physical Development in the First Year with Pediatric PT, Kara Masse

Published: Oct. 13, 2020, noon

b'This episode is all about your child\\u2019s physical development in the first year of life! Pediatric Physical Therapist, Kara Masse, joins HeHe on the show to take about muscle development, rolling, crawling, and walking! What if your child\\u2019s physical development appears to be behind? What constitutes behind? Where do you go from there? What specialists do you see? Can you self refer? Kara is sharing all the deets so parents can be proactive in protecting and supporting your child\\u2019s physical development in those months where they grow rapidly! We are going to end on the note of how to avoid setting adult expectations for your baby!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Birth Lounge: www.thebirthlounge.com/join\\n\\xa0\\nInstagram: @the.birth.lounge and @tranquilitybyhehe'