Ep. 248: Mirror Neurons in Labor with Dr. Jaz Robbins

Published: March 12, 2024, 11:48 p.m.

b"Are you familiar with mirror neurons and their role in the way our brain works? If not, you'll want to understand exactly what they are and how they have the potential to positively or negatively impact your labor experience!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nEvidence Based Pitocin Guide\\nConnect with HeHe on IG\\n\\xa0\\nWork with Dr. Jaz\\nThe Active Experience\\nConnect with Dr. Jaz on IG\\n\\xa0\\nDr. Jaz Bio:\\xa0\\nDr. Jaz Robbins is a therapist, nutritionist, author, professor, and mental health consultant. She is the founder of the nonprofit, Healing, Hope & Love as well as the mental health consulting firm, The Active Experience\\xae. She specializes in working with clients who have histories of trauma and/or complicated health concerns. Additionally, Dr. Robbins is a poet and stage performer who enjoys integrating expressive arts into her work with clients when appropriate."