Ep. 233: How Coffee can Impact your Hormones with Sam Briguglio

Published: Jan. 17, 2024, 10:13 a.m.

b"In today\\u2019s episode, HeHe is joined by Dr. Samanthan Briguglio, a naturopathic doctor, to discuss how our caffeine consumption may be negatively impacting our hormones, what that does to our bodily systems and how we can effectively curb bad habits that have formed over the years! HeHe even shares about the bad coffee habits she struggles with and what steps she is taking to better support her hormonal health!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nBio:\\nSamantha Briguglio started Walk the Natural Path Women's Health and Fertility Care because of her passion for helping women achieve their wellness and/or fertility goals! As an ND, she is licensed to treat \\u2013 and teach \\u2013 patients from a mindset of natural healing that treats the root cause of symptoms! Dr. B focuses in hormonal balancing and fertility support.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Birth Lounge!\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Dr. B\\nWork with Dr. B\\n\\xa0\\nHeHe\\u2019s favorite magnesium lotion,\\xa0use code HEHE10 for 10% off"