Ep. 226: Coping with an Unexpected NICU Stay with Casey Lewis

Published: Nov. 15, 2023, 10:13 a.m.

b'Casey Lewis is a NICU Speech-Language Pathologist, Certified Neonatal Therapist & Certified Lactation Counselor who experienced placental abruption that led to an emergency c-section and in an unexpected twist, she found herself receiving care as NICU parent rather than giving care as a clinician.\\xa0In today\\u2019s episode, she shares the physical and emotional demands of your baby being in the NICU, tips for coping and how to effectively communicate with medical staff about your preferences for your baby\\u2019s care. She also tells her birth story and how she knew something was wrong.\\n\\xa0\\nThis is such an informative episode that makes NICU parents feel seen and non-NICU parents feel prepared.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Birth Lounge!'