Ep. 225: How Birth Trauma Impacts Your Partner & Intimacy with Ashley Mariani

Published: Nov. 8, 2023, 10 a.m.

b"Have you ever thought about how birth trauma impacts your partner? Or, how that subsequently impacts your relationship? Your intimacy? Your postpartum experience? What if you feel like your partner even played a role in your birth trauma? Ashley Mariani joins me to today to chat about how to identify if your birth trauma is impacting your relationship with your partner and how to navigate this space with the goal of reuniting. We dive into emotional attainment, effective communication in postpartum and how to deal with the mental load of birth trauma.\\xa0A don't miss episode for anyone who is\\xa0struggling with birth trauma after birth\\xa0and wondering if this is your new normal.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nBio:\\nAshley Mariani is a registered social worker specializing in couples perinatal mental, emotional and sexual health, while also fiercely advocating against obstetric violence. She has seen the implications of birth traumas impact on the mental, emotional and sexual lives of couples and strives to help couples and individuals in prevention and resilience building. Ashley\\u2019s academic background includes degrees in sexuality, counseling, individual and couples work. The lens she works most passionately from is rooted in the body\\u2019s innate wisdom, the nervous system. Ashley works with her clients from a holistic framework that utilizes, movement, nutrition, plant medicine, vagus nerve toning, and functional medicine.\\xa0Ashley is also a mother to three free spirited children, including twins.\\n\\xa0\\nThe Birth Lounge: https://www.thebirthlounge.com/\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Ashley: https://mindonline.ca/\\nAshley's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therogue.therapist/"