Ep. 223: How to have a Pain Free Birth, pt. 1 with Dr. Q

Published: Oct. 4, 2023, 10:02 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s guest, Dr. Q, is joining me to discuss pain in labor! Everyone wants to have a pain free birth, but something always left out of the conversation is our individual PERCEPTION of pain!\\xa0Dr. Q is a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, childbirth educator and postpartum doula! She specializes in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction and conditions that affect the bladder, bowel, and reproductive systems.\\nThis episode will help you have a deeper look at the neuroscience behind pain! Dr. Q will teach us about qualifying vs quantifying pain and the different types of pain + what they are telling us!\\n\\xa0\\nThe Birth Lounge: https://www.thebirthlounge.com/\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Dr. Q: drqdpt.com'