Ep: 202: Carseat Safety with Dahlia Rizk

Published: Sept. 20, 2022, 10:22 a.m.

b"As fall and winter weather approaches and we all begin reaching for those coats we are re-sharing our episode about carseat safety with Dahlia Rizk of Buckle Me Baby Coats.\\nAbout Dahlia:\\nMy 3 kids, 2 cats, dog and I live in New Hampshire where winter is long and cold and like you our lives are super busy.\\nI want my kids to be safe and warm in the winter but I found myself too tired to wrestle their winter coats off in the car seat every single trip.\\nOne day, feeling overwhelmed with all the taking the coat off - put the coat on, I thought if the zipper wasn\\u2019t in the middle this wouldn't be a problem\\u2026 and I realized I had a super simple and easy fix to the winter coat problem!!\\nExcited, I spoke with every coat manufacturer imaginable. I thought they would jump on the idea and together we would quickly get the coat out to all parents but none of them believed that coats needed to be redesigned for the car seat.\\nThey weren\\u2019t in the trenches though \\u2013 I was \\u2013 and I knew other parents needed car seat coats too but this was pre-social media and I didn't have a way to talk to parents directly so I focused on my growing family and going back to school and getting a degree.\\nA few years ago on a grey depressing March day I saw a mom in a parking lot. Her daughter was screeching while wrapped in a blanket that was dragging through the slush. I looked at the moms face and she looked as tired and defeated as I felt when I thought of the coats.\\nI knew that look and felt her pain. I thought to myself who needs the big guys Ill tell parents myself, so I had a sample made, made a video with my nephew and posted to Facebook.\\xa0 My post went viral - parents loved them! In a few short years Buckle Me Baby Coats has grown from shipping out of my kitchen to shipping all over the world.\\nOutside of Buckle Me Baby Coats I'm also a mental health counselor \\u2013 running a mental health private practice where I treat adults with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.\\nFollow along:\\nwww.bucklemecoats.com"