Ep. 199: Gestational Diabetes with Leslee Flannery

Published: June 14, 2022, 10 a.m.

b'Leslee\\xa0is a registered dietitian who specializes in gestational diabetes. She has been working with pregnant moms for eight years and is passionate about women advocating for their health.\\xa0Lesley\\xa0founded the better blood sugar Method coaching program for Gestational diabetic moms in January 2020. In the program\\xa0Leslee\\xa0teaches women how to enjoy the foods they love while managing blood sugars confidently!\\nShe also has a husband and two young boys that keep her very busy!\\xa0Leslee enjoys to be outdoors in her free time either hiking, gardening, or watching her boys play sports!\\xa0\\nShe also has a husband and two young boys that keep her very busy!\\xa0Leslee\\xa0enjoys to be outdoors in her free time either hiking, gardening, or watching her boys play sports!\\nFollow along:\\n@gestational.diabetes.nutrition'