Ep. 181: Diversity In Lactation Support: Understanding The History with Kayla Bitten

Published: Feb. 8, 2022, 7:33 p.m.

b'Today HeHe sits down with Kayla Bitten to discuss Diversity in Lactation Support.\\xa0 Kayla Bitten is a black, queer medical racism and equity activist, educator, and writer with over ten years in the world of birth work and her work in rooted in tradition, advocacy, and her Southern culture. She is a student midwife in Alabama and working to provide equitable support and options for BIPOC families and educate fellow birth workers on the importance of skills and cultural humility through her business The Southern Midwife. She is also the owner of Alabama\\u2019s first black-owned lactation clinic, The Postpartum Clinic, providing accessible lactation and postpartum care that goes beyond the American standard and prioritizes the uninsured and BIPOC postpartum families.\\nFollow along with Kayla here: www.thesouthernmidwife.work'