Ep. 177: Prolapse After Birth with Dr. Jen Morgan

Published: Jan. 18, 2022, 10 a.m.

b'With the return of The Birth Lounge podcast in 2022 - HeHe is SO excited to dive right into things with Dr. Jen Morgan.\\xa0 Join us as Jen explains all things prolapse! \\nJen Morgan is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, who specializes in treating pelvic health conditions. As a pelvic Health physical therapist, Jen specializes in treating all dysfunctions of the pelvis, across the\\xa0 gender & age spectrums. Diagnoses often are related to the bowel, bladder, sexual health, pelvic pain, or musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy or postpartum; these conditions (like incontinence or pain with intercourse) may be \\u201ccommon\\u201d but are not normal & can be addressed!\\nJen has a continued commitment to patient care that is individualized and person-first. Her goal is to always have her patient\\u2019s feeling educated and empowered about their health and healing plans. Her plans of care blend hands-on techniques (including those that are self-taught), movement & breathwork to improve range of motion, gaining strength, decrease pain, and regulating\\xa0 the nervous system to facilitate your body\\u2019s healing.\\xa0\\nJen has earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from A.T. Still University, completed countless hours of continuing education & has focused her efforts on being a teaching assistant for pelvic health & specialized manual techniques of visceral and neural manipulation, as well as her yoga certification (ERYT200) through yoga alliance.\\xa0\\nWhen not working, Jen is spending lots of time working on house projects with her husband, drinking coffee & loving on her pup. You can always follow along on Instagram @doc_jenmorgan for more of the fun.'