Ep. 171 The Importance of Self-Care in Motherhood with Karena Skibinksi

Published: June 16, 2021, 11 a.m.

b"Karena\\xa0Skibinski, is an occupational therapist based in mental health, mother, and host of the \\u201cwhat about the mama?\\u201d podcast.\\xa0Karena\\u2019s work is designed to inspire mamas to shift the focus from all about the baby to themselves (even if it\\u2019s just during the episodes), and to use self-care as a modality to rediscover their intuition.\\xa0When it comes to motherhood, there's an overabundance of information, and\\xa0Karena's mission is to\\xa0empower mamas to not only educate themselves but to also trust their intuition as the guiding light on their motherhood journey.\\xa0Through practicing self-care, mamas tap into their intuition, bringing more confidence, ease and enjoyment into their parenting.\\xa0Karena\\xa0strongly believes that self-care isn\\u2019t just facemasks and massages, especially as mamas; it\\u2019s also about setting boundaries and communicating your needs \\u2013 although a massage is SO nice every once in a while! She enjoys trying new recipes, going on long walks, swimming, and lazy afternoons on the couch.\\nFollow along with Karena:\\nwww.whataboutthemama.com"