Ep. 163: Realistic Nutrition to Confidently Navigate Pregnancy & Postpartum with Marissa McCormick

Published: April 8, 2021, 4:42 a.m.

b'Marissa is mom of two, wife and registered dietitian balancing a full-time career and motherhood while striving to stay healthy & happy. She empowers women with realistic nutrition education to confidently navigate pregnancy & postpartum. Even as a registered dietitian, she struggled in the first year knowing when, what and how to properly breastfeed, introduce solids to her baby, or transition to a healthy toddler diet - and taking care of herself\\u2026who has time for that with a new baby?! It wasn\\u2019t long until her poor nutrition choices and new life took a toll on her health\\u2014she felt chronically weak, tired, and was constantly getting sick. During this special, fleeting time with her quickly growing baby, she felt utterly exhausted and knew she needed to make my health and nutrition a priority. Researching anything and everything, she quickly realized that it didn\\u2019t need to be complicated, it didn\\u2019t need to be perfect,\\xa0So she now serves new moms with simple tools, healthy tips and meaningful connections that nourish and inspire the journey of motherhood.\\n\\xa0\\nThe Birth Lounge: www.TheBirthLounge.com/waitlist\\n\\xa0\\nFollow along on Instagram:\\n@tranquilitybyhehe\\n@marissa.mccormick_rd\\n\\xa0\\nFREE webinar: 5 Ways To Prepare For Pregnancy (https://marissamccormick.com/?s=webinar)\\n\\xa0\\nFertility Rally: www.FertilityRally.com'