Ep. 146: What to know about Inductions with Becca Helie, CNM

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 11 a.m.

b"Inductions are one of the most common interventions when it comes to birthing a baby. Some people welcome inductions, and some want to avoid it at all cost! Today, \\xa0I am joined by Certified Nurse Midwife, Becca Helie, to discuss inductions, the methods in which you can be induced, and how to evaluate the risks and benefits of each option. Becca and I are going to dive into 'failed inductions,' too. Did you know that you may go in for an induction and not leave with a baby? Meaning that your body was not receptive to being induced, so it 'failed.' This is *NOT* a reason for an automatic c-section!!!\\xa0If you are headed into an induction, this is an episode that you will not want to miss!\\xa0\\nConnect with Becca on IG: @becca_helie_cnm\\n\\xa0\\nTo learn more ways to take control of your birth experience: www.thebirthlounge.com"