Ep. 133: Friday Free Talk: Your Responsibility in Labor

Published: Sept. 3, 2020, 11:24 p.m.

b'Everyone in the birth room has a job\\u2014your provider, your nurse, your partner, and you\\u2026but, what does your job really look like? Probably different than you think if your goal is to have your dream birth! Deep breathing and movement, sure, but what\\u2019s your ultimate job? To stay in control. Today\\u2019s episode is going to share with you the number one responsibility that a birthing person has to keep their birth on track! You have so much control and this one tip will make sure you don\\u2019t have over control at any point during your labor experience!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nJoin The Birth Lounge: www.thebirthlounge.com/join'