Ep. 130: Why your sexual wellness products matter with Rebecca Alvarez Story

Published: Aug. 25, 2020, 5:54 p.m.

b"Did you know that 98% of all feminine care products has at least 1 toxic ingredient? That's scary!\\xa0Healthy products are my jam! I\\u2019m always looking out for things like fragrances and perfumes in products around my house. I\\u2019m a big fan of Thinx instead of traditional period products because of the bleach and parabens and hormone disruptors\\u2026We store our food in glass containers and use eco friendly detergent. So, it should be no surprise that you sexual health is important to me too! Especially in pregnancy & postpartum! Rebecca Alvarez Story earned her BA in Women\\u2019s Health & Sexuality from UC Berkeley and her MA in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State and is the founder of The Bloomi. She is joining me to dive deep into what\\u2019s wrong with traditional sexual wellness products, how to spot harmful ingredients and false labeling, and what you need to know about long term effects of these issues in sexual wellness and women\\u2019s health!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nThe Bloomi: https://thebloomi.com\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nThe Banned List: https://thebloomi.com/pages/the-banned-list\\n\\xa0\\nThe Birth Lounge: www.thebirthlounge.com\\n\\xa0\\nFree Training: www.thebirthlounge.com/youridealbirth"