Ep. 120: Being Your Own Advocate with Ali Levine

Published: July 21, 2020, noon

b'HeHe is the queen of saying \\u201cBe an Educator Consumer\\u201d when it comes to your heathcare and, particularly, your birth. Today, HeHe is joined by celebrity personality and stylist, Ali Levine, to discuss how to be an informed consumer when it comes to your birth goals. Ali shares how she navigated the journey of fear-based care around birth and seeking care from a VBAC supportive provider! She also shares the power in being intentional about the way you prepare for labor plus what she is doing to prepare for her VBAC!\\xa0Join us as we dive into the mindset and preparation required to have the\\xa0birth of your dreams!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nAli Levine: https://alilevine.com\\nStript Down Podcast: https://anchor.fm/ali-levine\\nInstagram: @alilevinedesign\\n\\xa0\\nThe Birth Lounge: www.thebirthlounge.com\\n\\xa0\\nWatch my FREE MASTERCLASS to have an informed and confident birth here: www.thebirthlounge.com/youridealbirth'