Ep. 107: How to Decrease Your Chances of a C-Section with Dr. Neel Shah, MD

Published: March 31, 2020, 11:53 a.m.

b'From intentionally choosing your birth place to understanding c-section rates in your area, it all plays a role in your birth experience. In this episode of The Birth Lounge Podcast, Dr. Neel Shah dives into what we know about c-sections, why our country has such an astronomical rate of them, and what you can do to decrease your chances of \\u201cbeing sectioned\\u201d during labor and delivery.\\nWe dive into access (or lack there of) and how this impacts thousand of birth stories each year. Dr. Neel shares how birthing people in rural parts of our country will have different experiences than folks in the cities with better and more abundant access to healthcare.\\xa0Dr. Neel says, \\u201cWe know the right mortality rate is zero. We don\\u2019t know know the right amount of c-sections..and it\\u2019s not zero.\\u201d We go deep into cesarean sections being life saving surgery, but also balancing that with medical manipulation. He shares that asking question is a wonderful way to stay in control of your care. Plus, he shares a tidbit about nuchal cords during birth (ie: the cord being wrapped around your baby\\u2019s neck).\\xa0\\nThis episode is a MUST LISTEN if you are having a baby after literally this moment right now. Drop everything and RUN to download it. It\\u2019s going to change the way you think about birth, inductions, and c-sections\\u2026\\nYou can check out this FREE bundle on HOW TO AVOID A C-SECTION!\\n\\xa0\\nGuest: Dr. Neel Shah\\nBrought to you by: The Birth Lounge'