96: Friday Free Talk: How Worrying is Holding You Back

Published: Feb. 1, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"This episode is raw and real. Some might even say brutal. HeHe is diving into how you might be sabotaging yourself when it comes to conceiving, your birth, or motherhood. We know that worry is an emotion that is rooted in fear.. but fear of what? That will look different for everyone and only you can know what it is for you. HeHe is sharing what to do with that anxious energy to channel it into productivity! She is encouraging you to lean into the uncomfortable pieces of the journey because that is usually where the most growth happens. Don't come to this episode with a chip on your shoulder because in the end, you learn that maybe, just maybe, you're the one blocking yourself... (dun, dun, dun!!).\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nLearn more about the 2019 TBH Retreat here!\\nWatch the youtube video!\\nSign up for our newsletter here!"