94: Friday Free Talk: What's a Maternity Concierge?

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 10 a.m.

b'In today\'s episode, HeHe is breaking down exactly what a Maternity Concierge does each day. The care that TBH clients receive is above and beyond because our end goal is above and beyond, the mindset shifts we intentionally walk through is above and beyond, the language we use is above and beyond. It\'s been called "extra." She\'s not afraid to "go there" with TBH clients because we\'ve have seen the pay off in the end. The TBH Approach was born during one of HeHe\'s trainings and has slowly transformed into a comprehensive approach from infertility support to the first three years of your child\'s life! The TBH team will be with you every step of the way!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood\\nCheck out more about Maternity Concierge here:\\xa0https://www.tranquilitybyhehe.com/\\nHot Stones as Pain Relief for Labor:\\xa0https://youtu.be/wjpuKfx2cZM'