93: CBD + Motherhood with Ashley Reynolds

Published: Jan. 22, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"Ahhhh! Alas, the topic that is quietly buzzing, circling like a taboo topic, but almost everyone is curious. Cannabis and parenting. Can you use it for morning sickness? Does it get to your baby through breastmilk? Can you smoke it? Do you have to stop using it to get pregnant? These questions are on many people\\u2019s mind and we don\\u2019t have even a quarter of the information right now. We\\u2019ve only begun to tap into the tip of the iceberg. To get our tribe started on this topic, HeHe sat down with Ashley Reynolds, Founder of Elmore Mountain Therapeutics, to bring you the conversation you\\u2019ve all been waiting for. This episode will not answer all of your questions. Rather, we\\u2019d like it to get your wheels turning. We intend to continue the exploration and conversation around cannabis and it\\u2019s benefits for women. This may be for you and it may not be for you, but it is an option for everyone and that\\u2019s our goal. Ashley is explaining the basics of CBD including our cannabinoid systems and what you might feel like after you take CBD. She\\u2019s also sharing how incorporating CBD into your daily routine may be the easiest decision you make all year. I can't wait to share this topic with you!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0Elmore Mountain CBD: https://emtcbd.com/"