92: Friday Free Talk: Bulldog Parenting

Published: Jan. 18, 2019, 10 a.m.

b'Inspired by 3 different events seemingly placed in HeHe\\u2019s path intentionally by the universe, she sat down and chatted about a term she coined in grad school. Having gone to Mississippi State University for undergraduate, she learned a funny little secret about bulldogs that makes for the perfect parenting approach, too! From helicopter moms to free range parenting, there\\u2019s a million labels out there. HeHe is here to share that you\\u2019re allowed to be whatever combination you feel is best for your kids and your family. Listen in to learn there quick phrases that will help you set boundaries in the moment if you are caught in a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable!\\n2019 TBH Retreat https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood\\nTBH 5-day challenge https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019\\nNavigating the Land of If Book: https://amzn.to/2ALfroV\\n\\u201cParenting Styles\\u201d https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2018/09/19/parenting-terms-explained-lawnmower-helicopter-attachment-tiger-free-range-dolphin-elephant/1357612002/'