90: Friday Free Talk: This Is NOT A DRILL!

Published: Jan. 11, 2019, 10 a.m.

b'Remember when you used to practice fire drills as a child. For me, there were different expectations at home and at school. Fire drills came up in a recent conversation and per usual I connected it to birth, in particular home birth and hospital birth. Digging deep into the files from studying Psych at Mississippi State University, I am showing how the foundation we lay as children impacts the way we birth our children. This is an incredible episode with so many "Holy Cow" moments! Your birth is not a drill. You get one chance to do this thing. I\'m sharing the ways you can practice "birth drills" just as we did in school as little munchkins. Happy Tuesday! I can\'t wait to hear how you use these tips to prepare for your birth!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\n2019 TBH RetreatL\\xa0\\xa0https://mailchi.mp/a65e91edc93f/tbhbalancingmotherhood\\n\\n\\nTBH 5-day challenge\\xa0https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019\\n\\xa0\\nTBH Virtual Mom Meet-Up\\xa0https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712'