9: Finding the Balance of Motherhood and Managing a Quickly Growing Business with Amber Dalton

Published: March 20, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

b"Amber is the mom of 5 children and the owner of Mom After God's Own Heart which is quickly growing every day! She is responsible for my signature look when I attend births! Today, I chat with her all about how to find that balance of being a business owner and a mom. We jump into her faith, her village, and her struggles. She also shares some advice for all the parents out there who are thinking about starting their own business.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nShownotes:\\n\\xa0\\nCheck out the blog!\\n\\xa0\\nA big thank you to Meghan for allowing me to take a peak into her life and her parenting and practicing the vulnerability that she talks about! You can also find her on\\xa0Facebook\\xa0or her\\xa0website."