86: Friday Free Talk: How To Interact with Pregnant & Postpartum Humans in Social Settings

Published: Dec. 21, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'In today\'s episode, I\'m is sharing the social expectations and "rules" when interacting with pregnant and postpartum humans. Sparked by the holiday season, I began to notice that people, in general, had a challenging time interacting with pregnant and postpartum parents. People don\'t know what to say or they say the complete wrong thing, often times trying to be kind or caring. If you might be around someone who is going to have a baby soon or has had a baby in the last 6 months (or longer), this episode will speak straight to your soul and give you everything you need to know to leave this parent feeling amazing and leave you looking like a gem. For expectant and postpartum listeners, this is a great episode to help you learn what can be expected from the public and a great place to start when setting boundaries. There are 7 simple things to keep in mind and I\'m going to share the\\xa0why\\xa0behind each of the expectations. Let\'s end 2018 with a quick chat about setting and recognizing boundaries! Grab a pen and paper because we\'re going there!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n2019 Retreat:\\xa0https://www.eventbrite.com/e/balancing-motherhood-retreat-tickets-53375032158\\nMastering Your Mindset in Motherhood 5-Day Challenge:\\xa0https://mailchi.mp/3b8bd5c210ec/mastering-your-mindset-in-motherhood-2019\\nFree Virtual MaMa Meet-Ups:\\xa0https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tbh-free-virtual-mommy-meet-up-tickets-53660403712'