70: Friday Free Talk: My IUD Horror Story

Published: Oct. 26, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'In the spirit of halloween, I\\u2019m sharing one of my very own medical horror stories. In July 2017, I made the decision to get the copper IUD. I had no idea the pain and trauma that would follow. I have used this story as fuel for my passion of helping women know their rights and advocate for themselves. Today\\u2019s episode may be triggering for some listeners. Through this horror show, I learned valuable lessons that I now use in my daily practice and I\\u2019m sharing my tips of advocating for yourself when it comes to your health care. Happy Friday, yal!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nSee:\\n\\xa0\\nFree Guide to Traveling with an Infant for the holiday season!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nEpisode 37: Bullying in the Birth World, Part 2: Advocating for Yourself\\n\\xa0\\nEpisode 61: Let Me Introduce You to Your Vagina\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nArticle: Taking Control of Your Birth'