61: Let Me Introduce You to Your Vagina

Published: Sept. 25, 2018, 10 a.m.

b"Today's episode is getting scandelous! We all talking all things clitoris, vaginal canals, orgasms, natural lubes, and menstration. Welcome to Vagina 101. It's truly shocking how many adult women do not know their vaginas even though it's been our A1 since Day One! April Davis is known on Instagram as The Vagina Blog and she is here to share all the yummy goodness about the lady downstairs. We are talking vaginal care, postpartum care, the Ph of your vagina, and healing your perineum!\\xa0\\n\\xa0The Vagina Blog:thevaginablog.com\\nGood Clean Love:\\xa0https://goodcleanlove.com\\nCoCoNu:https://www.coconu.com\\nIcon Underwear:\\xa0https://www.iconundies.com\\nThinx Underwear:\\xa0https://www.shethinx.com\\nEarth Mama Angle Baby:\\xa0https://earthmamaorganics.com/products/herbal-perineal-spray.html\\nElvie Kegel:\\xa0https://www.bevibrant.com/products/elvie-kegel-exerciser\\nWe Vibe:\\xa0https://we-vibe.com/sync"