58: Friday Free Talk: I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World

Published: Sept. 14, 2018, 11 a.m.

b'Today, I am talking all about your imperfections as a parent and partner. Plus, I\\u2019m even sharing what I\\u2019m not that great at either... We will take these imperfections and shift them into strengths and finding gratitude. Motherhood is filled with wolves waiting to pounce on the next weakest link. There\\u2019s always a mom out there doing it better than you or looking more fabulous. That\\u2019s tough to come to grips with so I\\u2019m sharing my thoughts on the vultures in society that prey on other people\\u2019s imperfections and beat down our self-love muscle. Living in a constantly aroused state of Fight or Flight is not healthy. Join me in this conversation on refreshing your mindset and taking the reigns of your own life. Happy Friday, yal!'