46: Free Friday Talk:Packing For Your Birth

Published: Aug. 3, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

b'Packing for your birth experience can be a tantalizing task. Some people have no clue where to start while others feel like they can\'t possibly prepare enough. Some folks want to pack all the things while some wonder why they need to bring anything at all. HeHe gets asked "What should I pack for my birth" so regularly and she\'s here to share it all with you today! Enjoy a free download and the blog for this episode in the show notes! Dive into today\'s episode to hear part one of a two part series all bout packing for your birth! Happy\\xa0Friday, yal!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nShownotes:\\nCheck out the blog!\\xa0\\nThe Rebozo:What it is and Why I Love it!\\nOne Handed Snacks Freebie'