41: The Dietician that Doesn't Put People On a Diet with Lainey Younkin

Published: July 17, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

b'Nutrition in pregnancy is something that inevitably comes up for everyone. Lainey Younkin and HeHe are breaking it down trimester by trimester and then into the postpartum period. From counting calories, to eating a specific number of meals, eating this and not eating that.. the information overwhelm is real. Lainey shares her her tips for finding the right fit for your body, plus her thoughts on cravings during pregnancy and satisfying your sweet tooth. We are also sharing tips to reframe the way you view that number on the scale. Join us for this fun conversation about body image and healthy eating. Happy\\xa0Tuesday!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nShownotes:\\xa0\\nCheck out the blog!'