105: Exploring Sensuality & Yoni Eggs with Ann Marie Paul

Published: March 6, 2019, 3 a.m.

b'Today, HeHe is joined by Ann Marie Paul, a spiritual activator for divine feminine wisdom. She teaches the ancient art of Yoni Eggs which opens up a woman to her own bodies wisdom and sensuality. She is leading us today down the path of igniting your sexual self and harnessing your inner goddess. HeHe and Ann Marie are diving into what a yoni egg is, how to use it, what to expect from it, and why you need one. Ann Marie is also sharing her thoughts on how we teach and talk about sexuality with kids. Why don\\u2019t we start off by defining sensuality vs. sexuality\\u2026 I\\u2019ll see you there!\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Ann Marie Paul here! // Use code HEHE15 to save 15% on the Yoni Egg Initiation Online Program\\nJoin us on Facebook by searching The\\xa0Tranquility Tribe'