Episode 857 | 26 Million Unemployed | The Ruling Elite Is Testing Us | Trump Throws Kemp Under The Bus

Published: April 23, 2020, 6:07 p.m.

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Episode 857


26 million people have successfully filed for unemployment in the last five weeks. That means that there are probably about 40 million newly unemployed since the economy collapsed under us.
What are our leaders doing to help us?


The ruling class is really testing us to see how far they can push us before we snap. How else do we explain the fact that they've pushed trillions in bailouts to the people who need it the least and given the people crumbs? How else do we explain the fact that in the face of unemployment levels we haven't seen since the depression, neither party has done a damn thing to help?


Donald Trump threw Georgia governor, Brian Kemp, under the bus. But this time, Trump's ego and self-preservation may actually save lives in my state.


Lots of voicemails

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False epiphanies! When people think they're woke but actually being conned.


Stacey Abrams goes on the view to argue why Joe Biden should pick a Black woman. When will Black people realize that the Democratic Party will use you and drop you?

More voicemails."