Episode 826 | Coronavirus Market Crash | Biden's Firewall Contradictions | Jesse Jackson For Bernie

Published: March 9, 2020, 4:48 p.m.

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Episode 826 |

I'm not sure I've ever experienced a virus that was so precisely tuned to bring our consumer economy to its knees. Wall Street suspended trading today for 15 minutes because of the markets opening at a 7% decline. This is one of the worst days since the 2008 recession. And it's only getting worse due to all of the businesses having to adjust or close due to Coronavirus.


Biden is getting mad love from the older, conservative Black community. But let's unpack this a bit more than we did last week.


Enough Warren.

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Will you use your skills for good or evil? Truth or the protection of your own interests?


So much more but I'm already late so let me end the description here."