Episode 804 | Trump The Master Manipulator | Iowa Caucus Ridiculousness

Published: Feb. 5, 2020, 4:16 p.m.

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Episode 804 |

Donald Trump has mastered the art of using a kind gesture towards a single individual as a tool to protect the system that placed the individual in need in the first place. For example, he uses a pardon for a Black woman as a means of protecting the criminal justice system that wrongly arrested her in the first place.
This madness in Iowa must stop. It's been nearly 48 hours and they've still not released the final totals. How do they expect people to do anything other than speculate?

Let's talk about why I shifted gears to be much more hardcore in my politics.


MSNBC is dangerous. Listen to this clip from James Carville imploring the Democratic Party not to have any ideology.
Last but not least, the asymmetrical fight that has been going on for decades has pushed us to the Right regardless of the administration in power. Last night, the Republicans being furious at Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trump's speech but showing that they'd never hold Trump accountable for anything is a perfect example of this asymmetrical fight."