Episode 800 | Dershowitz Defies Logic | Sanders "Insanely Consistent" | CNN Downplays First Races

Published: Jan. 30, 2020, 2:46 p.m.

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Episode 800 |

Alan Dershowitz got on the Senate floor last night and forwarded two extremely dangerous arguments:
1. The President of The United States cannot be impeached for "abuse of power" even if it is provable unless it reached the level of high crime.
2. The President of the United States cannot be impeached for doing something he believed to be in the best interest of the United States -- AND, that includes his/her own re-election.
Max Boot has a problem with how "insanely consistent" Bernie Sanders has been. Let\'s pick apart this ridiculous article.
Polling suggests Sanders is going to dominate in the primaries. Andrew Gillum of CNN tries to downplay the significance of the first few races.

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Zerlina Maxwell of MSNBC thinks Bernie diagnosis the problem but doesn\'t offer any solutions? Now, we all know that\'s bullshit.
Amy Klobuchar has a problem with an old case she helped make against a Black man who is currently serving a life sentence. Someone else has now confessed to the murders he was found guilty of. Minnesota Black Lives Matter and NAACP activists are calling on her to suspend her campaign.
Finally, Ted Cruz is calling for Hunter Biden to testify IF John Bolton has to testify. Okay, then. Let\'s do it.'