Episode 768 | Horowitz IG Report | The Lie Is the Thing | Pelosi, WHAT? | Sanders and Evangelicals

Published: Dec. 10, 2019, 2:38 p.m.

b'Episode 768 |

The Horowitz report and the subsequent competing interpretations is the perfect muse for us to understand why there may be no hope for America or humanity. LOL. Sorry to be so dramatic, but we are at the point where the people are demanding that our leaders and our media LIE to them. We\'re in trouble.
Nancy Pelosi is impeaching Donald Trump and simultaneously working out a trade deal with him. What is their problem?
Bernie Sanders is ready to cancel all student and medical debt. That would be what we consider in the church, "The Year of Jubilee" for most of America.
Listen, I\'m fully aware of the fact that White, Evangelical Christianity is devoid of anything that could be remotely considered Christlike. But that there is not a single, organized resistance to Donald Trump and, quite to the contrary, a full embrace of him as some messiah figure blows my mind.'