Episode 760 | Obama v Bernie | Bloomberg Doesn't Want a Salary | Corporate Media Complicity

Published: Nov. 26, 2019, 6:06 p.m.

b"Episode 760 |

Politico is reporting that former President Barack Obama has made it clear that if Bernie Sanders runs away with the primaries, he would consider intervening to stop him from securing the win. We covered this possibility last week as another outlet discussed this possibility. But let's discuss this from the perspective of how incompetent the establishment is in terms of fighting off fascism.
Mayor Bloomberg says he won't take donations or a salary. But this is far from impressive for two reasons: 1. salaries for politicians is a progressive concept that allows for non-rich politicians to serve; 2. The presidential salary of $400,000/year is NOTHING compared to the $3.1B that he'd pay if Warren or Sanders wins.
Finally, billionaires own our media. How can we ever expect corporate media to do the difficult stories of reporting on their bosses?"