Episode 701 | Deranged Donald | 2 Corinthians | Matt Sienkiewicz | Now Republicans Want Bipartisanship?

Published: Aug. 23, 2019, 7:37 p.m.

b'This week has been particularly unhinged for Donald Trump. This is no hyperbole. This is terrifying. Let\'s discuss.

Also, Evangelicals have long been telling us how to live. But they see nothing wrong with Trump declaring himself the chosen one? Let\'s recall all the ways Trump is anything but Christian.

Part 1 of an extensive conversation with professor Matt Sienkiewicz as we discuss the "King of Israel" and "Jewish Loyalty" remarks from the President.

Finally, some Republicans want to get rid of Trump and seek bipartisanship with the Left. Umm... no. Trump is a monster of their own creation. Let\'s discuss.'