Episode 671 | BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The Relaunch of Frederick Douglass's North Star

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

b'The biggest lesson I\'ve learned over the past four years of doing independent media and using that platform to fight for what\'s important to us is that if you don\'t control your stories -- if you don\'t have decision making power to determine what is told, how it\'s told, or when it\'s told -- then someone else will, and it\'s a good chance that "someone else" doesn\'t have the concern and love for our community that we do.

My good friend Shaun King and I are relaunching Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany\'s North Star with the full blessings and permission of the family of Frederick Douglas (which is pretty dope everytime I think about it). We\'re rebuilding it as a modern media company focusing on the stories that matter to us and the stories that are seldom heard.

We are in the pre-launch phase and want you to become a part of our launch team. Basically, just signup for updates and announcements.

Share this news on social media. Email it to a friend. What we\'re doing is historic and will have an impact that reverberates around the country and the globe.

Help us build the North Star.'