Episode 610 | Criticizing Criticisms of the N. Korean Summit | So You Want to End the American Empire?

Published: June 13, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

b'Episode 610 is a little longer and a bit more dense than average episodes. So here is a breakdown of each section:

Section 1 (opening): Criticizing the criticisms of the Singapore Summit.

Section 2 (8:30): Why we as individuals must address human rights violations by every nation.

Section 3 (12:40): The democratization of our political ideology

Section 4 (19:20): The first ideological contradiction that the North Korean deal exposes.

Section 5 (29:28): The second ideological contradiction exposed by the North Korean summit.

Section 6 (38:42): So you want to end the American Empire?'