6-16-23 | Dr. West and the Green Party | Clickbaity Political Thirstrap | One Religious Zealot to Another

Published: June 16, 2023, 2:28 p.m.

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Sorry I've been away the past two days.

I got caught up over the past two days doing some on the ground organizing and I'm excited about what is to come. I can fill you in as time goes along, but suffice it to say, we are growing a contingency of boots on the ground. More to come.

Sunday at 5PM EST, I will be doing an episode of Clickbaity Political Thirst Trap with Marcus Ferrell and Mayor Mondale Robinson. We've invited Professor Cornel West to join us. If the Dr. West can't make this short notice, we will broadcast again the following Sunday at 5PM EST so we can discuss this important campaign and how, strategically, we can have the best of both worlds: Stopping fascism and sending a message to the duopoly.

Finally, today's entire episode is public because I need as many people to hear the messages around religious extremism particularly from the perspective I have being a religious extremist of my own kind: a religious zealot for freedom and liberation of ALL humans.

Love yall, mean it!"