Flags Fly Forever, Episode 230: FFF Goes To The Movies

Published: May 27, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Over at the BP website, there\'s a lot of movie based content already in existence and with more coming. Mike, Jon, and Samuel decided it\'d be fun to do a show all about baseball movies. Well, Samuel did and the hosts didn\'t complain so it worked out just fine. They put movies into three categories, not unlike fantasy baseball players. See the tie in? Anyway it\'s a fun show with a lot of opinions including one classic baseball movie getting savaged in the "Movie to Avoid" tier. Enjoy!

John Mulaney bit referenced at some point in the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ButlizwQXnU

Got a content idea for the show? Shoot us an email at flagsflyforever@baseballprospectus.com or a message at our Twitter feed @FlagsFlyBP.

Flags Fly Forever is a Baseball Prospectus podcast. For more fantasy baseball information, visit baseballprospectus.com and click on "Fantasy" or visit our Twitter feed @baseballpro. You can find Flags Fly Forever on Patreon at patreon.com/flagsflyforever.

You can find Flags Fly Forever on Twitter @FlagsFlyBP. The hosts of Flags Fly Forever are Mike Gianella(@mikegianella) and Jon Hegglund(@JonHegglund). The executive producer of Flags Fly Forever is Samuel Hale(@thesamuelhale).'