Flags Fly Forever, Episode 227: What Is This, A (FFF/TINO) Crossover Episode?

Published: April 24, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Yes, the rumors are true. This week\'s episode is the first ever Flags Fly Forever/There Is No Offseason crossover spectacular. TINO\'s Mark Berry and JP Breen join Mike, Jon, and Samuel for a rousing edition of the Newlywed Game! Which show knows each other better? Does anybody know anything about anyone? Is anything real in this world anymore? All that and more is answered within the podcast, so enjoy it.

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Flags Fly Forever is a Baseball Prospectus podcast. For more fantasy baseball information, visit baseballprospectus.com and click on "Fantasy" or visit our Twitter feed @baseballpro. You can find Flags Fly Forever on Patreon at patreon.com/flagsflyforever.

You can find Flags Fly Forever on Twitter @FlagsFlyBP. The hosts of Flags Fly Forever are Mike Gianella(@mikegianella) and Jon Hegglund(@JonHegglund). The executive producer of Flags Fly Forever is Samuel Hale(@thesamuelhale).'