Flags Fly Forever, Episode 214: New Year, Same Us

Published: Jan. 16, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'We\'re back! After an extended New Years absence Mike, Jon, and Samuel come back with the first show of the decade. This one is a bit of a primer for the upcoming season, with some macro topics discussed when it comes to team planning. Jon also leads the way for the first time, and he\'s coming off some sort of plague so that\'s fun too!

Flags Fly Forever is a Baseball Prospectus podcast. For more fantasy baseball information, visit baseballprospectus.com and click on "Fantasy" or visit our Twitter feed @baseballpro. You can find us on Patreon at www,patreon.com/flagsflyforever

You can find Flags Fly Forever on Twitter @FlagsFlyBP. The hosts of Flags Fly Forever are Mike Gianella(@mikegianella) and Jon Hegglund(@JonHegglund). The executive producer of Flags Fly Forever is Samuel Hale(@thesamuelhale).'