#47 How To Have Sex Every Day with Caitlin & Michael Doemner

Published: May 12, 2019, 11 p.m.


Today on the podcast we welcome Caitlin and Michael Doemner, authors of Sex Every Day, who are sharing with us some hands-on tips for enjoying sexual intimacy on a daily basis, regardless of busy schedules, kids and periods.


They talk about their three-step strategy for practicing frequent intimacy, including how you can communicate your sexual desires in a fun way and what you can do to ensure that both you and your partner are always satisfied. Before you think all of this is unattainable for you as a parent of young kids, hang on a minute! They have four kids of their own and advise you on overcoming the logistics of having regular sex with a house full of small children.


Key Points From This Episode


  • The interesting story of how Caitlin and Michael got together.
  • Why sleeping naked is such a natural and effective way to restore intimacy in a relationship.
  • How the menu metaphor can be used to communicate and express sexual needs.
  • The importance of being open to both give and receive.
  • What you can do to maintain intimacy with your partner throughout the day.
  • A quick review of the five love languages and what they each entail.
  • Why it is important for couples to prioritize a woman\\u2019s pleasure.
  • What couples with kids can practically do to preserve their intimacy and privacy.
  • Why a period should not be stopping you from giving and receiving uninterrupted pleasure.
  • And much more!




\\u201cIt\'s really hard to be angry with somebody when you\'re laying full body contact naked with them and in bed.\\u201d [0:04:49]


\\u201cThe intimacy and the passion, it doesn\\u2019t have to be intercourse \\u2026there\'s a lot of different ways that we can please our partners.\\u201d [0:19:45]


Links Mentioned in Today\\u2019s Episode


Bad Girls Bible Newsletter \\u2014 https://badgirlsbible.com/newsletter

Sex Every Day: How to Prioritize Pleasure in your Marriage \\u2014 http://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-and-caitlin-doemner/sex-every-day-how-to-prioritize-pleasure-in-your-marriage/hardcover/product-23974387.html

The Five Love Languages on Amazon \\u2014 https://www.amazon.com/Love-Languages-Secret-that-Lasts/dp/080241270X

Pussy: A Reclamation on Amazon \\u2014 https://www.amazon.com/Pussy-Reclamation-Regena-Thomashauer/dp/1401950264/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?keywords=pussy%3A+a+reclamation&qid=1555401985&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmrnull

Sex Every Day Website \\u2014 https://www.sexeverydaybook.com/homepage25989259

Sex Every Day on Facebook \\u2014 https://www.facebook.com/QuotidianCoitus/
