[414] Can Al Durham Outperform Expectations Again as a Sophomore?

Published: July 6, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

b'This week on Assembly Call Radio, we continue our offseason player analysis by discussing Al Durham.

Al burst onto the scene early in his freshman season, displaying a refreshing care for the basketball for a program that had been struggling with turnovers. He also shot it well from deep, proved adept at drawing contact, and played solid defense. But as the competition ratcheted up, Al\'s minutes and overall impact declined.

So, what is in store for Al as a sophomore?

Minutes seem there to be had with only four true ball-handlers on the roster. Can Al equal or exceed the minutes he played as a freshman? In Segments 2 and 3, we discuss what Al needs to improve on to be a key piece of Indiana\'s improved rotation, as well as what the numbers say were his biggest strengths and weaknesses.

Then Jerod reveals his outside-the-box comparison for Al, which is met with ... well ... just listen.

In Segment 1, we discuss the big schedule news that came out this week -- including why the UC Davis game may be just as important as the Arkansas game, and how the non-conference schedule is shaping up overall. (In a word: nicely!)

And in our opening statements we touch on:

\\u2022 A few more small but positive signs that Indiana is in good position with Trayce Jackson-Davis and Keion Brooks
\\u2022 Why Evan Fitzner\'s arrival made a splash on social media
\\u2022 What it means for Thomas Bryant that he\'s no longer a Laker and has become a Wizard

Finally, in the Segment 4 Q&A, we riff on the following questions:

\\u2022 Could an all-IU NBA team compete for a playoff spot in the NBA\'s Eastern Conference?
\\u2022 What 1-2 Big Ten players would we add to create a "super team" at IU?
\\u2022 Who would win a Hoosier Hysteria scrimmage: the new guys or the veterans?
\\u2022 Does Indiana have what it takes to make an Elite 8 or even Final 4 run?
\\u2022 Should players stay in school or leave early if the G League is their likely destination?

All of that and more on this week\'s edition of Assembly Call Radio -- with Jerod, Ryan, and Andy on hand.'