Episode 251: OTO Charts Away!

Published: July 20, 2020, 12:16 a.m.

Rich returns to the Remote Broadcast Foxhole and has a serious conversation with Jeff about the state of some young Americans' lack of historical knowledge.  They also discuss Churchill's books on WW II. The meat of the show is a look at Rich's involvement with the development of Onslaught to Orsha II by Bounding Fire Productions. You get a chance to hear the designer of the new charts included therein discuss said charts. And we take a look in the box at a few more of the game's components.
\nWe are now posting our episodes (with more visuals) on Our YouTube Channel. The video version of this episode can be found here.
\n1:00 Banter
\n13:00 What's in the Box?
\n1:08:46 Total Running Time
\nThe 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by RitterkriegBounding Fire ProductionsBroken Ground Design  and kind donations from listeners like you.
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