02. The Celtic origins of Halloween, 'Samhain'. Practical Magic the movie, Christian festival Reformation and...Harry Styles?

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 10:05 a.m.

b'What\\u2019re your Halloween plans?\\nIn this Samhain episode (to get you right into this festival spirit if you\\u2019re not already there), we talk about the historic origins of Samhain, or as you may know it, \\u2018Halloween\\u2019. The episode is a bit longer in length than our first episode but it is jam packed with anecdotes of what this time of year means for us, how Samhain marks the Celtic New Year, the Taurus full moon in Scorpio season that is taking place on the same day, Christianity\\u2019s reformation of the festival to make it more palatable for the Church and the \\u2018reformed people\\u2019, and a few mentions of the movie Practical Magic (if you haven\\u2019t seen it, go and watch it, now).\\nWe slip into momentary digressions revolving around periods/menstruation/moon cycles and how for us and for a lot of others, dissociation and a leaving of the body can be a trauma response.\\n\\nGet a cup of coffee, wine or witches brew, cosy up & join us for this episode that we are both extremely excited about.\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tendingtheflame/message'