01. Imbolc, Saint Brighid's Day, the coming of Spring.

Published: Jan. 30, 2021, 11:59 a.m.


Welcome to our first episode of 2021! We want to thank you all so much for your support and feedback in 2020 and we are so excited to be on our second season with amazing interviews lined up for over the next few weeks.


As our namesake came from our inspiration and love for the Goddess Brigh\\xedd, we wanted to begin 2021 with a special episode focusing on the Celtic celebration of Imbolc/Imbolg/Saint Bridget's Day. We discuss the etymology of the holiday, what it means for us, some ritual ideas and practices and other general philosophy and thoughts coming into the new season of spring. The wheel will keep on turning and we shall emerge out of the darkness.



Instagram: @tendingtheflame.podcast


Instagram: @thedailybruise Denise


Instagram: @bronach.lafferty , @thedailydraiocht

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